Expert Platform
The SUNRISE project at a glance
The SUNRISE project aims to establish a common safety assurance framework, interconnecting silos and making them collaborate in a harmonised way. Overcoming the challenges CCAM technologies and systems face in terms of safety assurance for their broad adoption.
To achieve its goals and establish a foundation for a federated European scenario database, the SUNRISE project aims to connect and network stakeholders that have specific interest in CCAM safety assurance.
The SUNRISE project has strong links with many related European projects and initiatives, such as its predecessor HEADSTART, but also SHOW, V&V Methods, SAKURA, among the others. Such cooperation will allow SUNRISE to leverage the developed and tested tools and methodologies in order to achieve a (widely) agreed Safety Assurance Framework.
Moreover, SUNRISE activities will influence standards setting and regulation procedures, as the project has established and maintains prominent connections with international bodies, such as UNECE, Euro-NCAP, ASAM, ISO and SAE.
Purpose of the Platform
The SUNRISE project’s success relies on cooperation and networking with a wide and capillary pool of experts and stakeholders. For this reason, the project consortium invites experts in the field of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) safety assurance to join the SUNRISE Expert Platform, which has been specifically designed to facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing among stakeholders.
Indeed, the SUNRISE project seeks external opinions and feedback on the project plans and its results: alignment with leading experts is thus fundamental.
The SUNRISE’s Expert Platform aims to gather CCAM safety assurance experts in one place and collect their opinions and feedback. The benefits of joining the Expert Platform are multiple:
1. Being active part of the group of experts that will influence the definition of a safety assurance framework in Europe for large-scale deployment of CCAM
2. An opportunity to join the elite ranks of the top players in the safety assurance field, and be at the forefront of shaping the future of safety on roads worldwide
3. Having your voice heard by the most influential stakeholders and, hence, having a concrete impact on tomorrow’s CCAM safety assurance
4. Receiving the latest updates and being constantly up-to-date on the most important discussions in the field
5. Being invited to the most influential events and networking opportunities: SUNRISE mid-term and final event, international conferences, sector meetings, etc.
6. Grasping the future of CCAM safety assurance before others: you will have an incredible industrial advantage, and will be able to shape the sector’s future in first hand
7. Being invited to and interacting with SUNRISE’s Cooperation Platform, a user-friendly online forum that will be your main source of information and updates
Based on their interests and possibilities, members decide themselves how much time they wish to invest in the SUNRISE Expert Platform. There is no minimum!
Moreover, the topics discussed will not necessarily be related to SUNRISE solely, but will touch CCAM safety from different perspectives.
Advisory Board and Industry Board
We have created two distinct groups to facilitate your collaboration: an Advisory Board – with a high level and management-oriented focus, and an Industry Board – related to industrial and technical discussions. Such a versatile and extended Platform is an excellent way to enlarge your network, meet other experts in the field, and collaborate on future projects, while focusing on your needs and expertise. You will have to choose which Board to join when registering to SUNRISE Cooperation Platform (see below).

Advisory Board
The Advisory Board will monitor the project and advise on management matters, networking matters, regulations, societal & user priorities, socio-economic impacts requirements.
Advisory Board members will take part in specific dissemination events (typically project webinars), support the promotion of project results and events, facilitate specific connections and dialogues.
Industry Board
The Industry Board will advise on potential steering actions for the project, and adapt or include specific needs from the industry, which can be dealt with in the project and are aligned with the project objectives.
Members of the Industry Board will advise on:
- Technical developments, requirements and or specifications that are relevant for the project technical implementation.
- Identify and highlight gaps that are critical for the successful exploitation of the project and its impact.
- Potential synergies with already existing initiatives that can foster cooperation and/or harmonization.
Tools and resources
Our Platform features a variety of tools and resources that will enhance your experience and enable you to capitalise your time with us.
You can participate in forums and working groups, webinars, upload and download relevant documents, share your research findings, and even collaborate on joint projects.
Our main communication tool will be the SUNRISE Cooperation Platform, an online forum in which we will share discussions, opinions, events, agendas and interesting activities. In the Cooperation Platform, you will find discussions, an agenda with next events, and links to SUNRISE’s project communications channels.
Action plan
To join the Expert Platform, you can sign up and follow the instructions to create your account in the SUNRISE Cooperation Platform. It will not take long: 5 minutes of your time to influence the next 20 years in mobility.