
Store After scenarios are created and formatted, the next step is to Store them in a scenario database for downstream testing activities. The SUNRISE Safety Assurance Framework (SAF) proposes a common SUNRISE Data Framework (DF) for accessing multiple scenario...


Format Once the scenarios are created, the next step is to Format them in a way that represents the scenario effectively. Please note that since this activity takes place at individual Scenario Databases (SCDBs), there is no specific requirements on the format at this...


Create The Create block entails acquiring the necessary data and knowledge to create scenarios, while Format involves structuring the scenario using for example a scenario description language such as ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML in combination with ASAM OpenDRIVE, or a...


The Scenario block focuses on managing scenarios critical for safety assurance, encompassing three key processes: creation, formatting, and storage. Create involves generating scenarios based on data-driven or knowledge-driven approaches. Scenarios are derived using...

Performance Assurance

Performance Assurance The SUNRISE Safety Assurance Framework (SAF) is a harmonized structure of methods, tools and data that allows stakeholders to determine whether a Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM) system meets a set level of safety, for introduction...