We are happy to announce that the SUNRISE project will celebrate its first workshop on Tuesday 31st of October 2023, from 13:00 to 14:45 CEST.

In that first workshop, participants will be presented with a high level introduction to the SUNRISE project, and a summary of its main activities and goals. In this workshop, participants will then have the opportunity to provide their feedback through our Cooperation Platform (online forum for Expert Platform members), and discuss that feedback between all. Future workshops will target more specific areas of the project.


Interested CCAM stakeholders are welcome to join this first workshop, and to register to the Expert Platform, to engage in a continuous dialogue with SUNRISE partners. Please note that access to future workshops will be limited to members of the SUNRISE Expert Platform only.


If you have not already done so, register now to the SUNRISE Expert Platform to not miss any of these future exchanges of knowledge and experience. And register to the first workshop on October 31st, to get informed about and influence the SUNRISE plans, activities and goals. Registration to the workshop is open until October 27th. Participants will receive the link to join the online workshop after registration.


Looking forward to see you on our Expert Platform and our first workshop!