

SUNRISE Safety Assurance Framework


Input Scenario Create Format Store Environment Query & Concretise Allocate Execute Analyse Coverage Test Evaluate Decide Audit

The Create block entails acquiring the necessary data and knowledge to create scenarios, while Format involves structuring the scenario using for example a scenario description language such as ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML in combination with ASAM OpenDRIVE, or a schema based on the StreetWise domain model (de Gelder et al., 2022) or MetaScenario (Chang et al., 2022). Finally, Store entails storing the formatted scenario in a searchable scenario database (SCDB). This component also includes the SUNRISE Data Framework for accessing individual scenario databases.

Please note that the processes described in the Create and Format blocks, take place within each SCDBs. Within the Store block, the SUNRISE Data Framework is introduced to link individual SCDBs into the SUNRISE Data Framework, providing that these SCDBs meet the requirements identified and developed in the SUNRISE project.

Since the scenario creation takes place in individual SCDBs, the information provided here is for reference. However from a safety assurance point of view, the scenario creation process is an integral part. As mentioned earlier, scenarios can be created using two different approaches: data-based, and knowledge-based [ref]. However this does not restrict the total number of created scenarios as this is specific to the databases and also the use cases.

Taking the Safety PoolTM scenario database as an example, which University of Warwick has been developing and maintaining, it contains scenarios generated using eight different methods which belong to the two approaches. StreetWise is a methodology developed by TNO to use driving data to extract real-world scenarios, determine the statistics of these scenarios, and use the scenarios for assessing automated driving systems. To support the research and development of StreetWise, it comes with a concept database that contains real-world scenarios. The EU ADS Act [ref], FRAV VMAD, CertCAV [ref] also mention scenario creation approaches from both data-based and knowledge-based; SAKURA mainly uses data based scenario creation approach; Streetwise also incorporate real world data combined with sampling methods to create scenarios; VVM documents a data based scenario generation approach from drone database.