Once the scenarios are created, the next step is to Format them in a way that represents the scenario effectively. Please note that since this activity takes place at individual Scenario Databases (SCDBs), there is no specific requirements on the format at this stage (as such requirement will be incorporated at later processes). The following information is for references only. Given the multiple stakeholders involved in scenario-based testing, including regulators, research engineers, test engineers, system engineers, and the public, there is a need to use multiple levels of abstraction for scenario formatting. There are four levels of scenario abstraction: functional level scenarios, abstract level scenarios, logical level scenarios, and concrete level scenarios. Each level emphasises different properties; for example, functional and abstract levels may focus on human readability, while logical and concrete levels may focus on machine readability. The importance of using common formats is important, such as ASAM OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE formats for logical and concrete representations, and BSI Flex 1889 for abstract-level representation.